Wells Funeral Home
Family Owned Since 1952

You Are Not Alone
Grief counseling helps the individual work through the feelings associated with the loss of another, accept that loss, determine how life can go on without that person, and consolidate memories in order to be able to move forward. Grief counseling also provides information about the normal grieving process, to help individuals understand that many of the symptoms and changes they are experiencing are a normal, temporary reaction to loss. For some individuals, the primary focus of grief counseling is to help identify ways to express feelings about the loss that the person has been unable to express in his or her own words. Individuals who seek grief counseling may be experiencing an emotional numbness, or a residual shock in reaction to the loss, and need assistance to return to a normal life.

What is Grief?
Grieving is a normal life process—an adjustment reaction to a loss. Grief counseling is meant to facilitate that normal process. No specific precautions are warranted. However, there are certain circumstances in which complications to the normal grieving process may occur.
The Grieving Process
Denial: Denial is the first of the five stages of grief I helps us survive the loss.
Anger: Anger is a necessary stage of the healing process. Be willing to feel your anger, even tough it may seem endless.
Bargaining: Before a loss, it seems like you will do anything if only your loved one would be spared. “Please God,” you bargain, I will never be anger at my wife again if you let her live.
Depression: After bargaining our attention moves squarely into the present. Empty feelings present themselves, and grief enters our lives on a deeper scale.
Acceptance: Acceptance is often confused with being “all right or OK with the death. This is not the case. We learn to live with it.
Grief Counseling:
We Are Here for You

909 Harding St.
Wichita Falls, TX 76301